Flir wins $50M contract for US Coastguard

Flir has been awarded a $50 million indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract to provide marine electronics systems under the U.S. Coast Guard's Scalable Integrated Navigation Systems 2 (SINS-2) programme over a five-year period providing the purchaser a right to extend delivery for an additional five years.

Flir will provide electronics systems that will be standard fit on over 2,000 U.S. Coast Guard vessels, ranging from small-class boats through large cutter-class vessels. The systems include Raymarine multi-function navigation displays, radars, sonars, remote instrument displays, and autopilots. All of these components will be integrated with the Raymarine Lighthouse operating system for simple operation, single-point upgradeability, and will include advanced features specifically developed for the U.S. Coast Guard.

To support the U.S. Coast Guard’s search and rescue mission, the Raymarine Lighthouse operating system offers pre-programmed SAR (search and rescue) patterns, allowing the U.S. Coast Guard to more effectively execute coordinated multi-vessel SAR operations. The Lighthouse based SINS-2 system also features advanced graphical target intercept tools and encrypted communications designed to increase safety, ensure situational awareness, and enhance mission success rates.

Additionally, Flir’s SINS-2 products offer a rich integration with existing Flir M-Series and Seaflir thermal imaging cameras currently in use by many U.S. Coast Guard boats and cutters. This integration will help the U.S. Coast Guard streamline configuration management, installation, and crew readiness while improving overall efficiency.

”We are very pleased to have been chosen by the U.S. Coast Guard as their supplier for the next generation of advanced situational awareness and marine navigation equipment. Produced under our unique Commercially Developed – Military Qualified (CDMQ) model, the Flir SINS-2 product suite offers powerful functionality, proven reliability, and simple operation, leveraging the strengths of both our Flir and Raymarine product lines,” said Andy Teich, President and CEO of Flir. ”Enhancing safety and situational awareness is at the heart of what we do every day at Flir. We look forward to continuing our successful long-standing relationship with the U.S. Coast Guard in supporting their important lifesaving and homeland security missions.”

Flir’s Maritime segment will commence delivery of SINS-2 marine electronics within the next three months.

Read also here.


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